Panel 3 - Patologie da maltrattamento
American Public Health Association Urges Moratorium on New Factory Farms,
American Public Health Association, 2003
[ American Public Health Association ]
Abuse of Antibiotics at Factory Farms Threatens the Effectiveness of Drugs Used to Treat Disease in Humans,
Sierra Club, --
[ Sierra Club ]
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Health Risks from Water Pollution,
David Wallinga, M.D., August 2004
[ Environmental Observatory ]
The High Price of Cheap Food,
Emily Green, 21 January 2004
[ Los Angeles Times ]
USDA Mad-cow strategy: don't look, don't find,
Jeffrey A. Nelson, Spring 2001
[ EarthSave International ]
Ag scientists feel the heat,
Perry Beeman, 12 January 2002
[ DesMoinesRegister ]
What About Chicken?,
Steve Lustgarden, Debra Holton, Spring 1997
[ EarthSave International ]
Foodborne Illnesses,
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, --
[ Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) ]
Economic costs and trade impacts of microbial foodborne illness.,
Buzby JC, Roberts T, 1997
[ World health statistics quarterly ]
Antimicrobial resistance is a major threat to public health,
Richard Wise, Tony Hart, Otto Cars, Marc Streulens, Reinen Helmuth, Pentti Huovinen, Marc Sprenger, September 1998
[ British Medical Journal ]
Humans Succumb to Pig Strep in China,
Daily News Central, 4 August 2005
[ Daily News Central ]
Dramatic changes in global meat production could increase risk of diseases,
FAO Newsroom, 17 September 2007
[ FAO ]
Fighting the Flu,
Michael Specter interview by Benn Greeman, 28 February 2005
[ The New Yorker Online ]
Who pays for bird flu,
Peter Singer, 21 November 2005
[ Daily Times ]
Food safety of beef - from the farm to the table,
Kevin Heaton, Charlotte Brennand, May 2002
[ Utah State University Extension ]
Escherichia coli O157:H7,
Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases / Division of Bacterial and Mycotic Diseases, October 2005
[ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ]
Factory Farming in the Developing World,
Danielle Nierenberg, 15 April 2003
[ World Watch Institute ]
Region 9: Animal Waste Management,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 10 August 2006 (Last update)