Panel 2 - Denutrizione e malnutrizione nel mondo
The Detrimental Impacts of Industrial Animal Agriculture,
Leah D Garcés, 2002
[ Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) ]
Human Food and Animal Feed (from: 'Taking Stock: Animal Farming and the Environment',
Alan B. Durning, Holly B. Broug, July 1991
[ World Watch Institute ]
Limits to Growth: Facing Food Scarcity,
Holly Stewart, August/September 1996
[ EarthSave Canada ]
Native Vegetables Could Help Solve Africa's Food Crisis And Boost Weak Rural Economies,
Report of the National Research Council, 2006
[ The National Academies ]
La miopia della zootecnia europea alla luce degli accordi commerciali internazionali,
Greenpeace Italia, --
[ Greenpeace Italy ]
Lotta alla fame, cosa abbiamo sbagliato,
Marinella Correggia, 28 May 2002
[ Altraeconomia - Italy ]
Bush's evangelising about food chills European hearts,
Jeremy Rifkin, 2 June 2003
[ The Guardian ]
Dumping without borders: How US agricultural policies are destroying the livelihoods of Mexican corn farmers,
Gonzalo Fanjul, Arabella Fraser, August 2003
[ Oxfam ]
The world's problems on a plate - Meat production is making the rich ill and the poor hungry,
Jeremy Rifkin, 17 May 2002
[ The Guardian ]
Carnivorous Cravings: Charting the World's Protein Shift,
Karen Holmes, July 2001
[ EarthTrends - World Resources Institute ]
World food security deteriorating,
Lester R. Brown, 5 May 2004
[ Earth Policy Institute ]
China's shrinking grain harvest,
Lester R. Brown, 10 March 2004
[ Earth Policy Institute ]
Vital signs 2003,
World Watch Institute, 2003
[ World Watch Institute ]
Underfed and Overfed: The Global Epidemic of Malnutrition,
Gary Gardner, Brian Halweil, March 2000
[ World Watch Institute ]
Animal feed - A key Common Agricultural Policy issue,
CPE, 30 March 2003
[ European Farmer Co-ordination (CPE) ]
Livestock development: implications for rural poverty, the environment, and global food security,
Cornelis de Haan, Tjaart Schillhorn van Veen, Brian Brandenburg, Jer6me Gauthier, Francois Le Gall, Robin Mearns, Michel Simeon, November 2001
[ The World Bank ]
Soybean: The hidden commodity,
GRAIN, June 1997
The United States and China: The Soybean Connection,
Lester Brown, 9 November 1999
[ World Watch Institute ]
The Nutrition Transition and Obesity in the Developing World,
Barry M. Popkin, 2001
[ American Society for Nutrition (ASN) ]
The Population Story... So Far,
Danielle Nierenberg, Mia MacDonald, September/October 2004
[ Population Communications International (CPI) ]
Intensive Agriculture and Environmental Quality: Examining the Newest,
Tracy Irwin Hewitt, Katherine R. Smith, September 1995
[ Winrock International ]
The Rise and Fall of the Blue Revolution,
Alfredo Quarto, October/December 1998
[ Earth Island Institute ]
Livestock to 2020 - the next food revolution,
Christopher Delgado, Mark Rosegrant, Henning Steinfeld, Simeon Ehui, Claude Courbois, May 1999
[ International Food Policy Research Institute ]